Anti-Money Laundering Europe will host a webinar on 15 September 2021 at 15:00 CEST on the new Anti-Money Laundering Package.
The European Commission will publish the new Anti-Money Laundering Package in the beginning of July 2021. The main objectives of the package are to support greater harmonisation of transposing EU AML/CFT law into national law, greater supervision at EU level and better coordination of financial intelligence units (FIUs).
Considering these latest developments, Anti-Money Laundering Europe seeks to gather industry, policy makers and financial institutions together to enable and facilitate an open discussion about the developments in the AML legal framework and the next steps foreseen at EU and national levels.
The package will be addressed by Ms Raluca Pruna, the head of unit D2 at DG FISMA, European Commission. Representatives from the regulatory institutions and the industry will also be amongst the speakers. More details about the speakers will be made available soon.
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